1,364 research outputs found

    Kosten und Nutzen der Sparsamkeit: zur Erhebung sozialer Netzwerke und sozialer Unterstützungspotentiale in der Umfrageforschung

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    Measuring ego-centered networks is an especially time-expensive endeavor. However, to be included in multi-thematic surveys, parsimony is needed instead of following a maximizing strategy. Therefore, one pressing questions is, whether and which type of parsimonious data collection produces what losses of information. We address these questions by comparing three different, but closely related operationalizations of ego-centered networks in three different surveys: the German Socio-Economic Panel Study as a multi-thematic large-scale survey, IDUN as a small study designed as a single-purpose instrument to measure egocentered networks in great detail, and the "Minipanel" as something in between these two. Different setup parameters are the number and type of name generators and descriptors of alteri and a numerical limitation of naming ties. We look specifically whether there are effects on the size of the networks, the composition of networks, andthe sociostructural differences with regard to availability of positive aspects of social networks, especially different types of social support. Additionally, we examine the differences between effects of network variables on perceived satisfaction in the surveys. Among others, and above the highly expectable differences in network size, we find an effect of different operationalizations on the network composition. Compared to IDUN, GSOEP produces a considerable overestimation of family ties and a considerable underestimation of relations stemming from school, vocational training and leisure time. We show that specific strategies of parsimony not only lead to losses of information and distortions of network characteristics but can lead in addition to different conclusions about the availability of social capital.Social networks, network measurement, ego-centered networks, social relations, name generators, social capital, social support

    High-Temperature Thermal Storage System for Solar Tower Power Plants with Open-Volumetric Air Receiver Simulation and Energy Balancing of a Discretized Model

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    This paper describes the modeling of a high-temperature storage system for an existing solar tower power plant with open volumetric receiver technology, which uses air as heat transfer medium (HTF). The storage system model has been developed in the simulation environment Matlab/Simulink®. The storage type under investigation is a packed bed thermal energy storage system which has the characteristics of a regenerator. Thermal energy can be stored and discharged as required via the HTF air. The air mass flow distribution is controlled by valves, and the mass flow by two blowers. The thermal storage operation strategy has a direct and significant impact on the energetic and economic efficiency of the solar tower power plants

    High-Temperature Thermal Storage System for Solar Tower Power Plants with Open-Volumetric Air Receiver Simulation and Energy Balancing of a Discretized Model

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    This paper describes the modeling of a high-temperature storage system for an existing solar tower power plant with open volumetric receiver technology, which uses air as heat transfer medium (HTF). The storage system model has been developed in the simulation environment Matlab/Simulink®. The storage type under investigation is a packed bed thermal energy storage system which has the characteristics of a regenerator. Thermal energy can be stored and discharged as required via the HTF air. The air mass flow distribution is controlled by valves, and the mass flow by two blowers. The thermal storage operation strategy has a direct and significant impact on the energetic and economic efficiency of the solar tower power plants

    EGFR-Targeted Therapeutics: Focus on SCCHN and NSCLC

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    Cancers of the head and neck and of the lung are associated with high morbidity and mortality rates that have remained relatively unchanged for more than 3 decades, despite advances in radiation therapies and chemotherapies over the same time. It is generally believed that the efficacy of standard therapy regimens has reached a plateau for these cancers. The discovery of specific aberrant molecular signaling pathways in solid tumors has afforded promising new directions for newer “targeted” cancer therapeutics. Among these, the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) shows promise as a therapeutic target. Clinical studies have demonstrated that this targeted approach provides clinically meaningful benefit. This article reviews EGFR-targeted therapies in use and in development, with a focus on the role of EGFR in the pathophysiology of head and neck and lung cancer, and new concepts being investigated to improve outcomes with these agents

    Methane Production via High Temperature Steam Electrolyser from Renewable Wind Energy: A German Study

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    The transformation of the energy supply needs further development of energy storage technologies in order to integrate the fluctuating renewable energy. The conversion of renewable wind power into green methane offers a technical approach with the necessary storage and Transport capacities. Thus, the concept of Power-to-Gas which is illustrated here by the coupling of wind energy with a High Temperature Steam Electrolyser (HTSE) and a methanation unit enabling the production of green fuel like hydrogen and methane is presented is this paper. In fact, hydrogen can be used as energy carrier as well for the production of green fuels, like methane which is simpler to store and to transport and which can be thus used as storage medium for the stabilization of the electrical power supply as well as fuel for transport and heat sector. Its production using high temperature electrolysis is able to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions if performed with renewable resources. This is the case if the electricity needed for the HTSE comes from a wind turbine and the CO2 needed for the methanation step comes from biogas. For such a plant, the Location and the boundary conditions have a great importance. Thus, this study considers the coupling of a HTSE with a wind turbine and a methanation reactor, and focuses about the site selection, depending of the geographical and economic considerations. The study is limited first to the European area. Schleswig-Holstein is found as a very good location for this plant. It is one of the regions with the largest wind reserves in Germany. This region has also available a lot of Biogas and meets all the other necessary requirements

    Semantically Informed Multiview Surface Refinement

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    We present a method to jointly refine the geometry and semantic segmentation of 3D surface meshes. Our method alternates between updating the shape and the semantic labels. In the geometry refinement step, the mesh is deformed with variational energy minimization, such that it simultaneously maximizes photo-consistency and the compatibility of the semantic segmentations across a set of calibrated images. Label-specific shape priors account for interactions between the geometry and the semantic labels in 3D. In the semantic segmentation step, the labels on the mesh are updated with MRF inference, such that they are compatible with the semantic segmentations in the input images. Also, this step includes prior assumptions about the surface shape of different semantic classes. The priors induce a tight coupling, where semantic information influences the shape update and vice versa. Specifically, we introduce priors that favor (i) adaptive smoothing, depending on the class label; (ii) straightness of class boundaries; and (iii) semantic labels that are consistent with the surface orientation. The novel mesh-based reconstruction is evaluated in a series of experiments with real and synthetic data. We compare both to state-of-the-art, voxel-based semantic 3D reconstruction, and to purely geometric mesh refinement, and demonstrate that the proposed scheme yields improved 3D geometry as well as an improved semantic segmentation

    CAP-reform and the provision of non-commodity outputs in Brandenburg

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    This paper presents an attempt to model the response of selected farms to decoupled direct payments and the associated impact on the provision of a defined set of non-commodity outputs (NCO’s) using a combined modelling approach consisting of the AgriPoliS and MODAM models. AgriPoliS focuses on the socio-economic dimension of multifunctionality at the individual farm and regional levels and explicitly models heterogeneous farms (in size, location and efficiency) within a competitive and dynamic environment. The linear-programming model MODAM allows a detailed representation of production processes and their impact on the environmental dimension of multifunctionality at the farm level. We simulate the impact of a uniform area payment and a fully decoupled single farm payment. Our case study region is the district Ostprignitz-Ruppin in Brandenburg. Results show that the decoupling schemes create a trade-off between the NCO’s and that adjustment reactions differ between farms depending on their legal form, size, and production.decoupling, multifunctionality, non-commodity outputs, modelling, simulation, policy analysis, ecological indicators, Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use,

    Nutrition and Well-Being

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    The relationship of nutrition-related factors with well-being in people 80 and older has received little attention. Therefore, this chapter explores the relationships of depression and depressive symptoms, as a measure of well-being, with appetite, body weight changes, underweight, and obesity as measures of nutritional status. The sample is from the Georgia Centenarian Study (aged 80 to 89 and 98+ years, see Chapter 9). In bivariate analyses, centenarians with depression consistently had the highest prevalence of underweight when compared to centenarians without depression and all octogenarians (23% to 33% vs. 0% to 16%). When controlled for other demographic factors, clinically relevant depressive symptomatology was associated with appetite loss, while a current diagnosis of depression was associated with recent changes in body weight. However, taking antidepressant medications was not associated with any of the nutrition-related measures. Demographic factors emerged as important predictors of nutritional status. Living in a skilled nursing facility compared to living in the community was associated with a lower risk of appetite loss and higher risk of weight gain; being a centenarian or being female was associated with underweight; and being Black (vs. White) was associated with obesity. Thus, risk factors for poor nutritional status in the oldest may be related to depression as well as to specific demographic factors including age, gender, race, and residence in a skilled nursing facility